Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)

Our Osteopaths Are Experienced With Helping Ease The Pain Of Arthritic Joints

Osteoarthritis is a normal process of ageing joints but in some people it can result in pain and reduced function.

As we get older, we get wear and tear in our joints. This can progress to a type of arthritis called osteoarthritis, which usually happens in old age, but can also happen after injury or because we’ve inherited the condition genetically. There’s no way to reverse joint damage, but we can improve how the joint functions through soft tissue massage and joint articulation and we can advise on the correct exercises to do to make the joint stronger and more stable, helping to reduce pain.

We are also able to help you improve the function, comfort and strength of your joints before and after joint replacement surgery.

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Common arthritic joints treated successfully in clinic are:

  • Hands
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Spine 

What your pain might feel like

Osteoarthritis affects the smooth cartilage lining of joints making movement more difficult and causing pain and stiffness. As your tendons and ligaments work harder, you can get swelling and bony spurs called osteophytes start to form. Osteoarthritis is most common in your weightbearing joints (spine, knees, hips), but it can also affect the shoulders, elbows, wrists and fingers.

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How we treat arthritis

We’ll help improve your joint comfort and function by improving your muscles, ligament and nerve health around the joint and reducing the stress on the joint by strengthening the muscles that support it. We then look at the rest of the body to find ways of reducing the load going through the arthritic joint. We use hands on treatment to ease the pain and discomfort. This then enables you to do the exercises we prescribe you to strengthen the joint against further wear and get you back to doing the activities you enjoy. We may recommend our studio-based classes to support your treatment.

Appointment Types

For more information on our various appointment types, what to expect and pricing.