Our Blog

July 16, 2024
Every morning, in fact every time (the lazy beast that is) my cat gets up from his comfortable perch on the radiator bed…

December 10, 2023
Temporomandibular pain (TMJ pain) is thought to affect around 12% of the UK population, however this figure…

July 15, 2022
A common question in clinic is, when will I get better? And it is not always an easy answer, as the timeline depends on…
July 4, 2020
During a recent browse, I came across a series of podcast’s by by Kate and Oliver Hudson (Goldie Hawn’s adult children).
July 4, 2020
You cannot have missed the volume of articles about getting your daily dose of vitamin D, the NHS is positively…
June 11, 2020
A good friend of mine, and now sadly an ex colleague, recently sent me a link to an article about touch starvation.
May 15, 2020
The longer this period of lockdown continues, the more we need to consider looking after our mental health as..
May 12, 2020
Chances are, your daily routine has been disrupted beyond recognition right now. If your call’s and emails’s are anything…
May 4, 2020