Neck and Shoulder Pain

Neck pain is a very common presentation in our clinic and in most cases can be resolved within a few short treatments.

Neck and shoulder tension is very common. Postural strains, stress and trauma all predispose us to experience pain in this area. This kind of pain can also lead to nerve pain in the shoulders, arms and hands as well as the face and jaw. Neck and shoulder pain is also a contributing factor to cervicogenic (pain that starts in the neck) headaches.

Trauma, such as whiplash, can weaken the ligaments supporting the neck, causing the neck muscles to have to work harder to support the weight of the head. 

Postural problems position the head too far forward on the neck, increasing its weight and causing strain on the supporting muscles, ligaments and bones. Postural problems of the neck can be a contributing factor in jaw pain (TMJ) presentations.

Our osteopaths can explain the reason why you are experiencing neck pain and provide you with a diagnosis, alongside a treatment plan and self care advice.

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Nimble Osteo Feb 24 brand shoot stories by chloe brand photography uk 181

Common conditions arising from the neck that we see in clinic are (non exhaustive list): 

  • Muscular aching at the base of the neck and across the shoulders,
  • Facet lock/restriction (when you cant turn your head)
  • Disc injuries in the neck
  • Whiplash injuries (ligament strains)
  • Tingling in the face, arms or hands
  • Jaw (TMJ) problems (link to blog page on TMJ)
  • Tortocollis (wry neck)
  • Tinnitus

What your pain might feel like

This can vary depending on the cause of your pain. You may experience sharp painful restrictions in neck movement, nagging, aching discomfort across the shoulders and down the arm, or acute unrelenting pain in the arm and hands. It’s also common for shoulder and neck pain to disturb your comfort at night as it may be difficult to find a pain-free position to lie in.

Nimble Osteopathy

How we treat head, neck and shoulder pain

We’ll start by examining the area by asking you to perform some simple movements. If you are presenting with neck pain or headaches, we’ll usually take your blood pressure and sometimes check the nerves supplying your face, neck, arms and legs. We’ll then put together a treatment plan. We’ll prescribe exercises to do yourself and give you advice on improving your posture. We might take you into our gym for a more dynamic approach to shoulder pain or postural recovery.

If you have headaches without other pain, we’ll look for the cause and recommend working with other specialists to help with things like nutrition, lifestyle, hormones and medical problems.

Which appointment should I book?