Postural Problems

Concerned about your posture? Get in touch

Many people present to us because they’re experiencing pain or discomfort, but during their consultation they’re primary concern is for the look or health of their back. 

You don’t have to be in pain to visit an osteopath, if you are concerned about the shape of your spine and want to learn more about how to improve your posture or strengthen your back get in touch or book a discovery call with one of our osteopaths to discuss your concerns.

If you are experiencing postural pain you’re not alone. The use of technology and prolonged periods of sitting associated with our modern lifestyles puts excessive strain on our muscles and negative compressive forces through our spinal joints leading to poor health of these tissues.

Nimble Rehab Gym

Common postural complaints we see in clinic are:


  • Pain, aching or discomfort in the neck and back 
  • Muscle spasm affecting the mid back
  • Rib strains
  • Headaches
  • Burning pain at the base of the neck
  • Altered sensation across the shoulders and into the arms

How do we treat postural problems

Hands on treatment including joint articulation, manipulation (HVLAT) and massage works to decompress joints and stimulate muscles helping to ease your discomfort, while posture and prescriptive exercise advice helps you to develop the strength needed to withstand the stresses of your lifestyle.

At Nimble we also host a number of group exercise classes that we might encourage you to join to help maintain the benefit you experience from your treatment. For more longstanding conditions we may recommend a rehabilitation program in our gym.

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Which appointment should I book?